Great 60s fonts
Great 60s fonts

great 60s fonts

The Bodoni typeface surfaced during a time when typeface designers were experimenting with the contrast between thick and thin type characteristics. Here are 61 logo fonts you should know: - 1. Learn more about selecting a font for your brand here.

  • Avoid combining different statement fonts, such as serifs with slab serifs or a script font with another script font.
  • Another option is to combine different versions of the same font: try combining the font of your choice in italics, bold or all caps.
  • It’s a good idea to combine a statement font with a more subdued sans-serif font.
  • Any additional fonts need to be more subtle. It should be the most eye-catching out of the fonts you selected. Pick one main font for your brand name that represents your brand’s style the best. When combining different logo fonts in one logo design you want to make sure the fonts complement each other.

    great 60s fonts

    #Great 60s fonts how to

    How to combine logo fonts? A great design that combines several different fonts in one logo. Choose one font for your main brand name and another font for additional supporting text, such as your tagline or brand description.

    great 60s fonts

    The number of fonts also depends on the amount of text you’re incorporating in your logo. Any more than that and your logo design will look too busy and inconsistent. You should use no more than 2 or 3 different logo fonts in your logo design.

    Great 60s fonts